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傻傻分不清楚的 hurt
- 發表:2012/05/13
- 更新:2018/09/30
- 3462
一位英語老師在我的網站留言詢問hurt 的問題。原信如下:
關於hurt 這個字, 該如何使用呢?
I hurt my arm , so I can't play basketball with you..
I was hurt on my arm , so I can't play basketball with you.
I hurt myself on my arm, so I can't play basketball with you.
My arm was hurt 嚴格說來是不對的。見下方1-3-4說明。
若要再picky一點,這題用got hurt會產生語意不清:
1. 之前就受傷了,所以現在無法跟你打球。
2. 我在這場比賽受傷了,無法繼續和你打球。
手受傷是事實狀態,用be hurt。
若是當場受傷,是動作產生的狀態,用got hurt。
I got hurt on my arm seriously in the game, so I quit and was sent to the
hospital right away.
1. hurt vt 傷害
1-1 A傷害B: A hurt B
He hurt me.
The polution hurts the earth.
1-2 1-2 由1-1改變主次 --> B受到傷害(被動態的觀念):
B受到傷害:B be hurt / get hurt (hurt: Vpp)
I was hurt by his words. I turned away from him trying not to think about what he had said. 他的話傷了我。我轉身離去,盡量不去想他說了什麼。
A female police officer got hurt in the accident. 一位女警在那場事故中受傷了。
1-3 身體部位受傷:
1-3-1 中文說「我的腿受傷了」,就直接講 I hurt my leg. (直譯是「我傷了我的腿。」,但請不要誤會,不是自殘之意。)
I hurt my leg and arm in a basketball game. 在籃球賽中我的手腳都受傷了。
1-3-2 或是用受詞補語方式:I got my leg hurt.
1-3-3 或是「我受傷了」(主)--> 傷在腿(次)。
a: A be/get hurt on 身體部位:(正規,但越來越少人講)
I was hurt on my leg.
b: A hurt oneself on身體部位:(也有不少人講。)
I hurt myself on my leg.
1-3-4 至於像中文敘述:身體部位 was/got hurt. 在Google不限制搜尋,有大量這樣的講法,但多出現在臺灣和大陸的網域。以Google進階搜尋,限制在英美網站.edu/.org搜尋下,可以看到少量這樣的句子。但我在英國國家語料庫沒見到任何一筆。可見這樣的說法的確有爭議,似乎是Chinglish(中式英語)。建議不要用。
2. hurt vi 痛
My feet hurt all the time, especially in the morning.