筆記隨想 | 心情部落格


  • 發表:2008/07/01
  • 更新:2018/04/22
  • 179

1.    An Introduction to Language-- Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams 
2.    Language Files: Materials for an introduction to language and linguistics. (10th ed.) -- Ohio State University OSU Dept. Linguistics  


1, 2優先看,3必備工具書,其餘心有餘力,依次看完。
1.    Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (5th ed.)-- H. Douglas Brown 
2.    Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching-- Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rogers 
3.    《英語教學及應用語言學辭典》, Jack Richards C.—文鶴代理,中英對照 
4.    Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Teaching Pedagogy (5th ed.)-- H. Douglas Brown 同1.作者。心有餘力再念,更好! 
5.    Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching-- Diane Larsen-Freeman 
6.    Teaching Language in Context (3rd ed.)-- Alice Omaggio Hadley
7.    An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research-- Diane Larsen-Freeman & Michael H. Long 
8.    Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices-- H. Douglas Brown 
or Testing for Language Teachers-- Arthur Hughes