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ChatGPT+擴充功能=教學神助攻─1. 產出英語閱讀文本

  • 發表:2023/08/19
  • 更新:2023/08/19
  • 2087

Image by frimufilms on Freepik


2023.08.16  研習第一天終於親見偶像神人連育仁教授。我和ChatGPT一別半年沒用,它被全世界的人餵養後,等比級數大躍進,教授再介紹私房擴充功能串聯,棒呆了(它們棒到我驚呆了😁)!當晚不顧整天工作坊快燒焦的腦袋,把三年來整理的期刊文獻餵給ChatGPT,重新比對整理,一下子就釐清脈絡,順順寫完論文的一段literature review。


1. 首先,當然要先註冊 ChatGPT會員啦!

2. 第一個要安裝的是 AIPRM for ChatGPT

連老師在研習時說,AIPRM可以讓老師「懶上加懶」😂 。每月只要付5美元就可以結合ChatGPT,根據需求,自動產出文章。雖然陽春版的ChatGPT(GPT-3.5)一樣可以生成文章(下一段示範),但如果加掛AIPRM,可以選擇的功能就多啦!例如把文章改寫成其他文體(運動類報導、詩歌、廣告...)、模仿誰的語氣...這對我們文科來說,真的太方便了!

📚在語文教學應用,陽春版(GPT-3.5)就可以做不少事。例如:摘要(summarize)、簡化文本(simplify/shorten text)、主旨/大意(topic/main idea)...當然也可以產出教案、批改作業...看老師怎麼下指令(prompt)要AI幫忙囉。


  1. 最偷懶的方法就是叫ChapGPT自己寫,下指令:
    "Please write a 200-word article about sloths for EFL teenagers. Vocabulary is limited in List (basic 2000 words) in Taiwan MOE English Curriculum Guidelines." (給外語學習的青少年看200字有關樹懶的文章,單字限定在臺灣教育部英語領域綱要裡的2000字彙表)。生成兩篇給各位參考:
    📛連老師比較不熟悉我們國中英語領綱字彙表(p.54),他習慣用「藍思(Lexile)閱讀分級」下達指令:"請用Lexile 800L 等級寫..."。如果發現用字還是太難,請老師自己再向下調整數字。我降到400😝。
    📛新北市教育局網站有 "Commonly Used 2000 Vocabulary Words",可以試試看把這名稱套用到指令裡。
    • Sloths: Nature's Slow Movers

      Meet the sloths, the slow-moving creatures that call the treetops of South and Central America home. These furry mammals are known for their leisurely pace and can be found in the tropical forests of these regions. There are six different types of sloths, and all of them love to spend their time up high in the forest canopy, where they soak up the sun, take naps, and munch on leaves.

      Sloths move slowly, and they have some interesting ways of getting around. Two-toed sloths can climb and move vertically, but most of the time, they prefer to hang horizontally and use their special hooked limbs to move from branch to branch. Three-toed sloths move in a similar manner but often sit in the forks of trees.

      These unique creatures have long legs, short tails, and round heads with small ears. While their eyes can see colors, their vision and hearing aren't very strong. Instead, they rely on their sense of touch to navigate their environment. Their limbs are perfect for hanging, not walking, which means they're not very capable on the ground. Surprisingly, sloths are actually good swimmers!

      Sloths are creatures of the night, preferring to be alone and sometimes even acting aggressively toward others of the same gender. They have big stomachs that can handle the tough chemicals found in leaves, their main diet. It takes a whole week to digest a meal! Every six days, sloths come down to the ground to go to the bathroom. Despite their slow ways, they have tough skin and can survive serious injuries.

      In the past, all sloths were thought to belong to one family, but now we know there are two: two-toed sloths and three-toed sloths. So, next time you spot a sloth hanging around, remember that they might be slow, but they have some fascinating qualities that make them truly special.

    • Discover the World of Sloths: Slow and Fascinating Creatures

      Have you ever heard of sloths? These incredible animals are known for their leisurely lifestyle and can be found in the forests of South and Central America. There are six types of sloths, and they all live high up in the trees, enjoying the warmth of the sun and munching on leaves.

      Sloths move at a relaxed pace, and they have interesting ways of getting around. Two-toed sloths can climb and move vertically, but they mostly hang horizontally, using their special curved limbs to swing from branch to branch. Three-toed sloths move similarly and often rest in tree forks.

      Sloths have long legs, short tails, and round heads with small ears. Their eyes can see colors, but their vision and hearing aren't very strong. Instead, they rely on touch to explore their surroundings. Their limbs are perfect for hanging, not walking, which makes them a bit clumsy on the ground. Surprisingly, sloths are good swimmers!

      Sloths are creatures of the night, preferring to be alone and sometimes even acting aggressively toward others of the same gender. They have large stomachs that can digest tough chemicals found in leaves, their main food. Digesting a meal can take up to a week! Every six days, sloths come down to the ground to take care of their bathroom needs. Even though they're slow, they have tough skin and can endure serious injuries.

      In the past, all sloths were thought to belong to the same family, but now we know there are two families: two-toed sloths and three-toed sloths. So, next time you come across a sloth hanging around, remember that these animals might be slow, but they have some remarkable qualities that make them truly unique.


  2. 所以,我多花一點時間在Google 找「比較有公信力」的科普網站。當然您也可以叫ChatGPT幫你列出10個來,只是這種小事就自己來了。例如我挑:https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/sloth (在此暫且不論WWF的經營爭議),下達指令:
    "Please write a 200-word article about sloths for EFL teenagers based on the text on the website: https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/sloth. Vocabulary is limited in List (basic 2000 words) in Taiwan MOE English Curriculum. Guidelines."
    • Sloths: Slow-Moving Wonders of the Forest

      Sloths, the amazing creatures of the forest, have a unique way of life. Found in the trees of South and Central America, these animals are known for their unhurried pace. There are two kinds of sloths—two-toed and three-toed—and both types spend most of their time hanging out in the treetops.

      Sloths move slowly, and their favorite activity is munching on leaves. Two-toed sloths can even hang vertically, but they usually move horizontally, using their special limbs to swing between branches. Three-toed sloths are similar but prefer resting in tree forks.

      With their long legs, short tails, and round heads, sloths have a distinctive appearance. Although their eyes can perceive colors, their vision and hearing aren't very strong. They depend on their sense of touch to explore their surroundings. Their limbs are designed for hanging, not walking on the ground.

      Sloths are most active at night, and they tend to be solitary animals. They have a unique stomach that can digest tough leaves, taking up to a week to break down a meal. Every six days, sloths descend to the ground to do their business. Despite their slow movements, they have tough skin and can even swim.

      In the past, all sloths were considered part of the same family, but now they're divided into two groups: two-toed and three-toed sloths. Remember, these slow wonders might not be the fastest, but they have remarkable qualities that make them special inhabitants of the forest.

📝以前沒有ChatGPT,或老師不想玩ChatGPT,我都推薦幾個線上簡化文本的小工具(summarize/paraphrase tool)把難吞的文本簡化後,再編修給國中生看或段考閱讀測驗的文本。例如:


Oh! No! 就算有AI可以幫忙做,孩子的腦子沒做整合轉化訓練,怎麼會聰明咧!我們培養孩子去進化AI,讓AI幫我們有更好的生活,不是被AI控制的!

暫停在這裡。等期刊論文完工(剩一小節),再介紹連老師帶的第二個好用程式─twee。這個程式對英語老師們來說簡直是好用到爆!看他的網站頁面介紹就夠讓人心動了。好用到爆的Twee: https://twee.com/

老話,祝  開學快樂,教學順心呦~💕
